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The ERA publishes notices relating to its activities and decisions. Email subscribers are advised of announcements as soon as they are published. Subscribe to our mailing list.

ERA notices are available chronologically in the table below. You can use the boxes below to filter to a particular industry and type of activity.

Showing results 301 to 350 of 3209 results.
Date Documents File type
31-Jul-22 Notice - Wholesale Electricity Market Rules and Gas Services Information Rules - Publication of Compliance Report
Adobe PDF 124 kB

29-Jul-22 Notice - Triennial review of the effectiveness of the Wholesale Electricity Market 2022 - Release of Discussion paper - Invitation for submissions
Adobe PDF 126 kB

28-Jul-22 Notice - Bluewaters Power 1 Pty Ltd - Decision to renew electricity retail licence ERL12
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28-Jul-22 Notice - Western Power’s fifth access arrangement review - Publication of submissions
Adobe PDF 152 kB

25-Jul-22 Notice - Gas access arrangement guideline - Publication of revised guideline
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21-Jul-22 Notice - FRWF Stage 1 Pty Ltd - Decision to grant electricity generation licence
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20-Jul-22 Notice - Gas compliance reporting manual 2022
Adobe PDF 86 kB

19-Jul-22 Notice - Northern Star (Power) Pty Ltd - Surrender of electricity distribution licence EDL4 and electricity retail licence ERL9
Adobe PDF 77 kB

19-Jul-22 Notice - Western Power’s technical rules - Updated list of exemptions
Adobe PDF 151 kB

08-Jul-22 Notice - 2022 Consumer Price Index adjustments - Electricity Networks Access Code 2004
Adobe PDF 208 kB

01-Jul-22 Notice - Western Power’s fifth access arrangement review - Consultation
Adobe PDF 155 kB

30-Jun-22 Notice - Western Power’s technical rules - Proposals to amend the rules received in 2021/22
Adobe PDF 153 kB

29-Jun-22 Notice - Call for expressions of interest - Water Code Consultative Committee
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27-Jun-22 Notice - Approval of 2022/23 ancillary services requirements
Adobe PDF 106 kB

21-Jun-22 Notice - Simply Energy - 2022 performance audit
Adobe PDF 158 kB

17-Jun-22 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument review - Publication of draft gas instrument and explanatory statement
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17-Jun-22 Notice - AER Retail Pty Ltd - 2021 performance audit
Adobe PDF 154 kB

14-Jun-22 Notice - 2020 Gas Marketing Code review - Publication of final decision
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10-Jun-22 Notice - Harvey Water - Minor amendment to water services licence WL31
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10-Jun-22 Notice - Shire of Coolgardie - Licence renewal application - Invitation for submissions
Adobe PDF 135 kB

09-Jun-22 Notice - Tronox Management Pty Ltd - 2021 performance audit and asset management system review
Adobe PDF 161 kB

08-Jun-22 Notice - FRWF Stage 1 Pty Ltd - Electricity generation licence application - Publication of submissions
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02-Jun-22 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument review - Appointment of Independent Panel Chair
Adobe PDF 97 kB

31-May-22 Notice - Australian Energy Market Operator allowable revenue and forecast capital expenditure 2022/23 to 2024/25 - Determination
Adobe PDF 139 kB

31-May-22 Notice - Minimum STEM price review 2022 - Release of draft determination report - Invitation for submissions
Adobe PDF 126 kB

24-May-22 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument review - Publication of supplementary submission from the Consumer Reference Group to focused consultation
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20-May-22 Notice - Regen Power Pty Ltd - Consultation on gas trading licence application
Adobe PDF 131 kB

20-May-22 Notice - Western Power’s fifth access arrangement review - Further access arrangement information
Adobe PDF 152 kB

18-May-22 Notice - Bluewaters Power 1 Pty Ltd - Licence renewal application - Invitation for submissions (ERL12)
Adobe PDF 136 kB

16-May-22 Notice - Harvey Water - Invitation for public submissions - Application to amend water services licence WL31
Adobe PDF 127 kB

16-May-22 Notice - Shire of Lake Grace - 2021 Asset management system review
Adobe PDF 168 kB

12-May-22 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument review - Publication of submissions to focused consultation
Adobe PDF 76 kB

11-May-22 Notice - Southern Cross Energy Partnership - Minor amendment to electricity transmission licence ETL4
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10-May-22 Notice - Change Energy Pty Ltd - 2021 performance audit
Adobe PDF 183 kB

09-May-22 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument review - Publication of consultant report on the term of the allowed cost of equity
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09-May-22 Notice - FRWF Stage 1 Pty Ltd - Consultation on electricity generation licence application
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28-Apr-22 Notice - Report on the Australian Energy Market Operator’s compliance for 2020/21
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26-Apr-22 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument review - Publication of submissions on consultant report on debt raising and hedging costs
Adobe PDF 125 kB

21-Apr-22 Notice - Western Power AA5 review - Publication of submissions on issues paper
Adobe PDF 153 kB

06-Apr-22 Notice - Effectiveness of the Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation Regulatory Scheme 2018 to 2020 - Publication of report
Adobe PDF 161 kB

06-Apr-22 Notice - Southern Cross Energy Partnership - Invitation for public submissions - Application to amend electricity transmission licence ETL4
Adobe PDF 129 kB

05-Apr-22 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument review - Extension of deadline for submissions on consultant report on debt-raising and debt-hedging costs
Adobe PDF 76 kB

05-Apr-22 Notice - Esperance Gas Distribution Company Pty Ltd - Amendment to gas standard form contract
Adobe PDF 124 kB

04-Apr-22 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument review - Publication of discussion paper on focused consultation
Adobe PDF 85 kB

04-Apr-22 Notice - Clear Energy Pty Ltd - 2021 performance audit
Adobe PDF 157 kB

04-Apr-22 Notice - Proposed metering documents submitted by Peel Renewable Energy - Decision
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04-Apr-22 Notice - Western Power’s fifth access arrangement review - Publication of material from public forum
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31-Mar-22 Notice - Athena Water Solutions Pty Ltd - Minor amendment to water services licence and financial hardship policy
Adobe PDF 127 kB

31-Mar-22 Notice - Australian Energy Market Operator allowable revenue and forecast capital expenditure 2022/23 to 2024/25 - Draft Determination
Adobe PDF 135 kB

30-Mar-22 Notice - Margin Values and Cost_LR parameters for 2022/23 - Publication of Determination
Adobe PDF 127 kB

Page last updated: 29 Jul 2022