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The ERA publishes notices relating to its activities and decisions. Email subscribers are advised of announcements as soon as they are published. Subscribe to our mailing list.

ERA notices are available chronologically in the table below. You can use the boxes below to filter to a particular industry and type of activity.

Showing results 601 to 650 of 3209 results.
Date Documents File type
01-Dec-20 Notice - Annual report on the operation of the water licensing scheme and licensees’ compliance with the scheme
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30-Nov-20 Notice - Annual data report and data 2019/20 - Energy distributors
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30-Nov-20 Notice - Annual reports on the operation of the electricity and gas licensing schemes and licensees’ compliance with the schemes
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30-Nov-20 Notice - Electricity Code Consultative Committee - Public consultation - 2019-22 Review of the Code of Conduct for the Supply of Electricity to Small Use Customers
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25-Nov-20 Notice - Goldfields Gas Pipeline - Reference Tariff Variation - 1 January 2021
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24-Nov-20 Notice - Arc Infrastructure - Adjustments to incremental and total costs for 2017, 2018 and 2019
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20-Nov-20 Notice - Proposed revised access arrangement for the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline - Position paper on pipeline and reference services
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09-Nov-20 Notice - Australian Energy Market Operator in-period funding for Distributed Energy Resources Roadmap activities - Draft findings report
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09-Nov-20 Notice - Western Power - 2019/20 Service Standard Performance Report
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06-Nov-20 Notice - Market procedure review - Benchmark reserve capacity price - Publication of amended market procedure
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06-Nov-20 Notice - Proposed revised access arrangement for the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline - Public submissions received
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05-Nov-20 Notice - Framework and approach for Western Power’s fifth access arrangement review - Consultation
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27-Oct-20 Notice - Amendment of water services licence WL51 - Aqua Ferre (Muchea) Pty Ltd (trading as Muchea Water)
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23-Oct-20 Notice - Non-scheme and light regulation financial reporting requirements - Publication of updated financial reporting templates
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20-Oct-20 Notice - BHP Billiton Nickel West Pty Ltd - Licence renewal application
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08-Oct-20 Notice - Blair Fox Energy Retail Pty Ltd - 2020 performance audit
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08-Oct-20 Notice - Proposed revised access arrangement for the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline - Revisions to the proposed revised access arrangement
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06-Oct-20 Notice - Economic Regulation Authority’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital - Publication of updated debt risk premium process
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02-Oct-20 Notice - 2020 review of two market rules intended to incentivise the availability of generators - Release of Draft Report
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01-Oct-20 Notice - Wholesale Electricity Market Review 2020 – Publication of report
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29-Sep-20 Notice - AEMO DER in-period funding proposal
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23-Sep-20 Notice - Peel Renewable Energy Pty Ltd - Minor amendment to electricity distribution licence EDL7, electricity retail licence ERL28 and standard form contract
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17-Sep-20 Notice - Proposed revised access arrangement for the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline - Extension of revision period and public consultation period
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16-Sep-20 Notice - Approval of AEMO’s revised 2020/21 Load Following Ancillary Service requirements
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16-Sep-20 Notice - Muchea Water - Public consultation on application to amend water services licence WL51
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15-Sep-20 Notice - Decision to grant water services licence - BHP Billiton Nickel West Pty Ltd
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15-Sep-20 Notice - Procedure change proposal: calculation of benchmark reserve capacity price - Review of the market procedure
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14-Sep-20 Notice - Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee - Appointment of members for 2020 to 2022
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07-Sep-20 Notice - Economic Regulation Authority’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital - Update of debt risk premium process
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04-Sep-20 Notice - Horizon Power - 2020 performance audit
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01-Sep-20 Notice - BHP Billiton Nickel West Pty Ltd’s application for a water services licence - Publication of submissions
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31-Aug-20 Notice - Review of Western Power’s Model Service Level Agreement - Publication of final findings
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26-Aug-20 Notice - 2020 energy price limits - ERA publishes final decision
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26-Aug-20 Notice - Harvey Water - Decision to renew water services licence WL31
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24-Aug-20 Notice - Arc Infrastructure proposed costs for grain routes - Approval
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14-Aug-20 Notice - Proposed revised access arrangement for the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline - Draft decision
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11-Aug-20 Notice - Determination of 2020 Weighted Average Cost of Capital for rail networks - Publication of 2020 determination
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31-Jul-20 Notice - Public consultation on water services licence application - BHP Billiton Nickel West Pty Ltd
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31-Jul-20 Notice - Wholesale Electricity Market Rules and Gas Services Information Rules - Compliance Report
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27-Jul-20 Notice - Procedure change proposal – Monitoring protocol - Publication of updated monitoring protocol
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24-Jul-20 Notice - Western Power’s technical rules - Updated list of exemptions
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23-Jul-20 Notice - Harvey Water - 2019 operational audit and asset management system review
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20-Jul-20 Notice - Blue Star Energy Pty Ltd - 2020 performance audit
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17-Jul-20 Notice - Amendments to the Western Australian Gas Retail Market Scheme - Decision
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17-Jul-20 Notice - Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee - Call for expressions of interest
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17-Jul-20 Notice - Review of Western Power’s Model Service Level Agreement - Publication of submissions and extension of time for final findings
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13-Jul-20 Notice - Harvey Water - Licence renewal application
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07-Jul-20 Notice - Approval of 2020/21 Ancillary Services Requirements
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06-Jul-20 Notice - 2020 Consumer Price Index Adjustments - Electricity Networks Access Code 2004
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30-Jun-20 Notice - Alinta Sales Pty Ltd - Decision to renew gas trading licence GTL9 and approve amended standard form contract
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Page last updated: 01 Dec 2020