The Goldfields Gas Pipeline (GGP) is a 1,378-kilometre transmission pipeline extending from Yarraloola to Kalgoorlie and is operated by Goldfields Gas Transmission (GGT). Part of the GGP is a scheme (regulated) pipeline that must have an access arrangement approved by the ERA (the other portion of the pipeline is a non-scheme pipeline).
The process for gas access arrangement reviews has changed since the ERA’s last review of GGT’s access arrangement for the GGP in 2019. There are now two key stages involved in the ERA’s decision making process for an access arrangement: (a) Reference Service Proposal and (b) Access Arrangement Proposal. Under the National Gas Rules, GGT must submit a reference service proposal to the ERA 12 months before the access arrangement proposal.
On 21 December 2022, GGT submitted a reference service proposal for the GGP. The ERA published GGT’s proposal for consultation on 10 February 2023. On 21 June 2023, the ERA made a decision approve GGT’s proposal to retain the firm transportation service as the single reference service for the GGP.
On 21 December 2023 (ahead of the required submission date of 1 January 2024), GGT submitted its access arrangement proposal for the fifth access arrangement period (AA5): 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2029. The ERA published GGT’s proposal and related documents for public consultation on 29 January 2024.
The ERA published an issues paper on 12 March 2024 to assist interested parties in making submissions. The ERA received one submission from Alinta Energy.
On 25 July 2024, the ERA published its draft decision. GGT submitted a revised proposal in response to the draft decision on 5 September 2024. Interested parties had until 8 October 2024 to make submissions on the ERA’s draft decision and GGT's revised proposal. No submissions were received.
Further information about the access arrangement framework and decision making process can be found in the ERA’s gas access arrangement guideline.
GGT AA5 Revised Access Arrangement and Access Arrangement Information
GGT AA5 Revised Access Arrangement and Access Arrangement Information