A provider is required to publish a financial hardship policy that outlines the assistance and support that it can provide to customers who may not have the financial capacity to pay their water bills.
If you are having difficulty in paying water bills a provider can assist you. Providers must now provide interest and fee-free payment plans to all residential customers who request them. There is also additional help available for customers who are experiencing payment difficulties or financial hardship.
If you cannot pay due to payment difficulties, you are experiencing financial disadvantage that is not likely to be on-going, such as an unexpected event or crisis or if you are assessed as experiencing payment difficulties then your provider may offer you additional time to pay a bill as well as additional payment plan arrangements.
- If you cannot pay due to financial hardship, you are experiencing more than short-term financial disadvantage in which your ability to meet basic living needs is adversely affected, such as food and rent, in that instance, a provider must consider a reduction in an amount you are owing and review and revise any payment plan as appropriate.
You should contact your provider for an assessment to determine what is the best way to address the situation you are in and receive appropriate assistance.
If you are not the owner of the property (for example a tenant or occupier), a provider will advise the owner regarding the proposed payment arrangement prior to its commencement.
Debt collection
A provider must not commence or continue proceedings to recover a debt if you are complying with a payment plan or being assessed by the provider in determining if you are experiencing payment difficulties or financial hardship.
Reducing the Rate of Flow
A provider may restrict water supply if water service charges remain unpaid for 30 days after they become due. However, a provider must use its best endeavours to inform you of its intention to do so prior to restriction by contacting you in person, by phone or electronic means.
There are situations under which restriction cannot occur if:

- the amount owing is less than $200
- you are being assessed by a provider to determine if you are experiencing payment difficulties or financial hardship
- If you are deemed to be experiencing payment difficulties or financial hardship and are currently complying with a payment plan or other arrangement to pay your bill
- you have made a complaint in relation to water services charges that is not resolved
- you have made a complaint to the water services ombudsman that directly relates to the water service charge, and it has not been determined or has been upheld
- you have applied for a concession or other financial assistance to which you may be entitled and a decision on the application has not yet been made
- on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or the day before a public holiday
- on a day which a total fire ban has effect in your area
- after 3pm on any day
- the occupier is a tenant and the owner is liable to pay the amount owing
- you need water to operate a life support machine or have been assessed by the provider as requiring water for a special need
A provider must not reduce the rate of flow of a water supply to less than 2.3 litres each minute.
Restoration of water supply
If your water supply has been restricted, a provider must restore the supply of water if you have paid the amount owing or entered into an arrangement satisfactory to the provider for the payment of amount owing. A reconnection fee will apply.
Once all the requirements are satisfied, the provider must restore your water supply in accordance with the maximum timeframes provided as follows:
Water Corporation (metropolitan region) and other providers |
- next business day if your request is received by the provider before 3pm
- within 2 business days if your request is received after 3pm
Water Corporation (outside of metropolitan region)
- within 2 business days if your request is received before 3pm
- within 3 business days if your request is received after 3pm