The Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) is responsible for compliance and enforcement functions in the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) in WA under chapter 2.13 of the WEM Rules (27 July 2024).
ERA’s Monitoring Protocol WEM Procedure states the processes followed in ERA’s monitoring and compliance activities and is required by clause 2.15.1 of the WEM Rules.
On 8 August 2024 Energy Policy WA (EPWA) published the Exposure Draft for amending WEM Rules under FCESS Cost Review (Exposure Draft).
EPWA’s Exposure Draft proposes amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules which will affect ERA’s monitoring and compliance functions.
Consequently, the ERA is in the process of reviewing its Monitoring Protocol WEM Procedure according to the Procedure Change Process specified in the WEM Rules (chapter 2.10).
Proposed changes to the Monitoring Protocol WEM Procedure include refining wording in some sections of the Monitoring Protocol and clarifying the risk assessment processes referred to in section 2.1, 4.5 and Appendix 1.
On 5 September the ERA has released the draft Monitoring Protocol WEM Procedure with a Procedure Change Proposal, detailing ERA’s proposed changes and the rationale behind them.
The ERA invites submissions on its draft Monitoring Protocol WEM Procedure and will include the feedback from stakeholders in drafting the final Monitoring Protocol WEM Procedure.
For information on how to submit a response to the draft Monitoring Protocol WEM Procedure and on other documents which are being changed in the process, please refer to the Notice. Submissions close 3 October 2024 at 4 pm.
ERA Papers